for it is in the minds of men and women that the defences of peace and the conditions for sustainable development must be built. ~UNESCO

Friday, August 12, 2011


Oh! my eyes are weary... I'm really engrossed into this blogging stuff. I was not able to write as I was taken away by designing my blog. Once I am finished with the design, I promise to put up at least an article a day. My internet speed really test my patience... it's dead slow but I won't give up. Till then, take care folks.

1 comment:

  1. SOM NOVU, it's nice to know you are blogging despite all the shortcomings...
    Some comments on the design:
    Width of the page is too large.
    Blue link color is painful to the eyes.
    and from what I have learnt from experts having dark text on lighter background is far more effective than what you have right now.
    Your bloglist should be set in such a way that the latest updated blogs appear on the top so that you know when they wrote something new.
    Put your Followers and Pageview on the top rather than Teachers salary poll.

    I need sometime to really get into the contents of your posts. Do join other bloggers on Blogyul on Facebook. Keep writing!
